「夏季工作坊 - 杯子蛋糕泡泡浴球」Cupcake Bath Bomb Making Workshop
「夏季工作坊 - 杯子蛋糕泡泡浴球」Cupcake Bath Bomb Making Workshop
SUMMER WORKSHOPS - Cupcake Bath Bomb
We are excited to be teaming up with Rosey Cloud this Summer to do this Cupcake Bath Bomb Making Workshop.
Design your Cupcake Bath Bombs in a rainbow of colours with loads of sparkle plus melt and pour icing…Oh so fun!
This workshop is 1-1.5 hours long. All workshop materials are included in the fee. Each participant will take home two Cupcake Bath Bombs.
Here are our upcoming Cupcake Bath Bomb Making workshop dates!
Workshop Date:
1) 9th July 2023 (Sun), 4:00-5:30pm
2) 20th July 2023 (Thu), 4:00-5:30pm
3) 2nd August 2023 (Wed), 4:00-5:30pm
4) 6th August 2023 (Sun), 4:00-5:30pm
Price per Person: $350 (All materials & tutor fee included, plus a piece of cake and a cup of drink on us!)
Location: Botanic Union, 65 Kau Liu Ha, Lam Tsuen, Tai Po, NT
Class Information / Notices
·- Classes will start on time, please arrive on time. If a student is more than 15 minutes late, the class content will not be made up to accommodate the overall progress of the class.
·- Photography is allowed in class, but please do not record video or audio without the instructor's permission.
·- This workshop consists of groups of 4 people. If the number of participants is insufficient three days before the activity, the workshop will be rescheduled and participants will be notified separately.
·- If a participant is unable to attend due to any accident, the tuition fee cannot be refunded.
·- If a typhoon signal no. 8 or above or a black rainstorm warning is still in effect 2 hours before the class, the class will be rescheduled and the tuition fee cannot be refunded.
·- In case of any disputes, Botanic Union and Rosey Cloud reserve the right to make the final decision.