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Botanic Union

GREEN PLANT - 天堂鳥 Bird of Paradise / Strelitzia - 6ft

GREEN PLANT - 天堂鳥 Bird of Paradise / Strelitzia - 6ft

定價 HK$1,300.00
定價 售價 HK$1,300.00
特價 售罄
Bird of Paradise Care
The Bird of Paradise is considered the queen of the indoor plant world. This large, upright plant adds a rich, tropical flair to your space as its glossy, banana-shaped leaves fan out. It is relatively hardy and adapts to a wide spectrum of light conditions from direct sun to low, indirect light, but will flourish in a sunny spot.


  • 價格已包含標準 種植 及 灰色水泥花盆/底碟


  • 植物類别 / 盛花期 – 室內座地植物 / 四季
  • 放置期 – 1.5-2個月
  • 植物特性 – 喜陽光、喜溫暖濕潤,怕霜雪
  • 適用空間 – 陽台/ 庭院/ 園莆/ 室內

  • 水量 – 不耐積水,秋冬見土乾則淋透水,春夏常向葉面上噴水和向花盆周圍潑水
  • 陽光 – 適合戶外日照短,夏季強光需遮陰,室內通風良好有明亮的散射光處養護亦可
  • 施肥 – 生長期每2周施1次稀薄餅肥水,秋季停止施肥,高温下禁止施肥
  • 修剪 – 修剪已凋謝之花蕾/已枯黃的葉片
  • 土壤 – 疏鬆、肥沃、排水良好的培養土中生長